Correction: Aluminum Radiator. Worth the investment?

Ground potential from the thermoswitch to light it, and then you can observe when and how long they stay on.

I use my voltmeter when I think they might come on... as it dips quite a bit.

ALSO... mine only operate generally from May to October... and I have to exercise them (with and auxiliary switch) in the winter months just to keep them at their best.

This is what I did. I used one of the idiot lights on the gauge cluster. Don't remember which one anymore since I repurposed and moved them all around (seat belt warning light I believe) but I have an idiot light with a fan ideogram (custom made by Bob Brown, thanks Bob!) so if I turn on my fan with the switch I added (OEM hazard switch), or the temp sensor does it, either way the idiot light comes on to tell me the fan is now operating, just another "it's getting hot' reminder. The one above it used to be for my power antenna but now it's set up to come on if I leave my subwoofer amp on and the key is off, to remind me to shut it down (has a manual switch)