2014 best of France and Italy car show pictures

HA! Merry Christmas Chris...

The only MOXIE is the original MOXIE and its best in bottles.

So many folks can't stand the taste of it that they hadta come out with other products and flavors in order to stay in business. Its just not the same!

Not the same in MANY ways... but especially not the same bitter aftertaste it had back in the 50's when I got my first taste. The MOST prominent way is like most others as well. Back in 1884 they were the first to sell this "Nerve Tonic" laced with Cocaine... a year before Coca-Cola introduced their version... and the same with Dr. Pepper that suggested you have some at 10, 2, and 4 each day. Those numbers were printed on the bottle cap as a "reminder".

Hope you are doing better overall...

All my best to you and yours...


Morettis, I had 3 of them, love them exept that they where all ready rusting in the showroom.
Now i regret that i sold them
Our BFI leader and organizer, Merkel Weiss owns...

this one... and the poor thing sits where it always does but this year it was in the MUD!

I have never seen nor heard of a Moretti before seeing this one, and past all the dust it is in CONCOURS condition!

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Neat little car

I don't recall ever hearing of a Moretti before either.
Sort of reminds me of a cross between a FIAT Dino and a FIAT 850.
Mo Moxie

The only MOXIE is the original MOXIE and its best in bottles.

So many folks can't stand the taste of it that they hadta come out with other products and flavors in order to stay in business. Its just not the same!

Not the same in MANY ways... but especially not the same bitter aftertaste it had back in the 50's when I got my first taste. The MOST prominent way is like most others as well. Back in 1884 they were the first to sell this "Nerve Tonic" laced with Cocaine... a year before Coca-Cola introduced their version... and the same with Dr. Pepper that suggested you have some at 10, 2, and 4 each day. Those numbers were printed on the bottle cap as a "reminder".

Hope you are doing better overall...

All my best to you and yours...


Honestly, I never had any idea that Moxie *the beverage* was a REAL thing.
By my time (1973-on) "moxie" had been used enough as a word synonymous with various "manly traits" like courage, determination, fortitude, inner strength, etc, that I just thought it was a sort of funny and obscure word for things like that, that had fallen out of common use with the changing of times.
Like maybe from a time when boxers were called "pugilists" and rather than a guy asking a girl out on a date, a Gentleman might court a Lady.
So when I came across my dad's old MAD magazines, and there were these ads and references in the comics and such promoting "Moxie" in a bottle...
Well it just seemed like some elaborate running gag.
Sort of like a comedic skit/sketch with a snake-salesman selling bottles of "Manliness" or something.
I thought it was hilarious. lol
I vaguely recall some little doodle or something, maybe one of the background things in one of the comics, with some scrawny zit faced kid going up to some place, maybe a bar or club of some sort (can't remember), and there's these big heavy bouncers or bikers or something looking all intimidating.
So he pulls out a bottle "Moxie" and chugs it down...
As a little kid, that kind of stuff killed me. I laughed and laughed.
Sort of like, "Things were looking pretty scary, till I remembered I had a bottle of "Cojones" in my pocket..."
So finding out that there really WAS a beverage called "Moxie"...
Well that's just like the whole thing was a 30 some-odd-year-long joke on me and I just got the punchline.
It's great:D
It all pleases my inner child greatly.
As for the taste...
Well it's canned/bottled Moxie!
What's it supposed to taste like? Cake frosting?
Cake frosting never put hair on anybody's chest.
Good EYE Chris... and you are right on...

If you expand the foto the cockpit looks almost too big for this car... as if they dropped it somewhere within the confines of those two chassis' you mentioned.

Hey... MERRY CHRISTMAS my friend... hopefully you are well and getting "weller"...

Here is Wiki's rendition and its fairly accurate... although I find no mention of Cocaine.


Here is the typical colloquialism surrounding Moxie in one phrase:

... and all the sugar and Cocaine back in the day would make one TENACIOUS!

Today we can still get it from Ebay for about 60 cents a can and about a $1.00 to ship. A 12 pack is about 20 bucks or $1.67 a can... an a great conversation piece.

Many of us here in SoCal as well in New England have adopted it as our Unofficial Soft Drink... Us Orphans haveta stick together!

Mike Sotor has fotos of get-togethers with more pictures... But I can't find them right off. I've probably gone too far already!

Merry Christmas...
Doin fine

I'm doing fine overall:)
The last few months were a bit much and wore me down some, but life goes on and now I'm looking forward to what the new year will bring:D
I even had a few FIAT dreams lately, which is probably the biggest indication of my state of being.
I think that means the fires are are starting to reignite.
Feels like it anyway.
So maybe it's about time to start thinking about getting back up on my feet to rejoin the fight eh?

Look at all of you, drinking your Moxie and strutting your stuff.
Ooooh, we're so cool cause we got da Moxie and yoooou doooon't
I hope you are all proud of yourselves! *gratuitous eye-roll*
I tease. It looks like a hoot.
All I can say is that I am fully Jealous. lol

I was toying with the idea of trying to procure some for a sort of Christmas or new year's symbolic drinking ritual, but that plan got somewhat lost in all the multi-holiday shuffle.
Things around this time of year are somewhat chaotic.
Thanksgiving and our anniversary are right next to each other, then Christmas of course, and followed by New Year's, then my birthday is Jan 4th and my wife's is Jan 8th.
lol, okay it's ALSO a very fun time of year:D but it can get pretty hectic and planning and budgeting can be a bit of a bugbear:p

I haven't given up on the idea of scoring some moxie though. Just maybe not right away.

I will have some though. Oh yes, I shall.
No power in the 'Verse can stop me!
Or something like that:p
Oh my... Its almost daylight here...

Don't mention Birthdays around Christmas to me... I have a ton of them and probably have spent over $3K so far... and the another $12K for tuition in January for the oldest grandchild born on January 15th.

Let's see, the 27th & 28th, the 2nd, the 6th, the 15th, then the wife in February on the 15th, right after Valentines... and the daughter in law is on the 9th...

The SHORT story is I have NO relief until AFTER Mother's Day...

But I'm also BLESSED with all the wonders and wonderful loves around me.

Welp... its 4 am... I better move on...

Holy Cow Tony, no need to trump me with numbers that are higher than I can count, I fold I fold!
Hey Mr. Tony...

Guess what I just bought?

It begins with an "M" and was difficult to explain to my wife...
MINOXIDIL? Indeed...

But that should be self explanatory and she should encourage you to keep your youthful appearance!

If its MOXIE and she tastes it... You will has some 'splanin' ta do, Lucy!

Lol noooo
It was Moxie of course.
She was determined to look it up before I was allowed to buy it, even though I told her all the cool fiat kids drink it.

She made a face over the description of the taste, but was actually interested in at least one of the ingredients.
Don't know about the taste.
I mean, she's Australian, so she eats Vegemite, also somewhat notorious for having "an acquired taste", and apparently a whole lot of things in America, including sandwich bread, are a lot sweeter than what she was used to.
So I dunno, maybe she might like a bitter drink?
Maybe not, but hey, it's an experience.
An opportunity to taste a piece of history.
How often does a chance like that come along?