1982 X

The X has landed.

Got it on the ground.

The Rear KYB's.

Gathered some bits.

Trunk parts.

Front trunk.
Rust Clean-up

It certainly is a nice looking car for the money and I wouldn't be worried about doing some clean-up work but I would be concerned that there is metal missing and what does that mean for the structure? It makes concerned that the body shop that originally did this job just did the same thing to any other rust they encountered.
If you are willing to separate the parts, I am interested in the two muffler hangers in the last photo.
The way I see it. I have spent way too much on what I thought was a $8-$9000 car. I figure that at this price someone else can have a $4-$5K driver, or do some body work and have the $9k car I thought I was getting.

P.S. I have another project lined up. :wall: :wall:
I'm really sad right now

I want it, I'd buy it, but I have no place to put it because I already have 3 to contend with. :wall:
Hello Jon, I sent you a couple messages with my phone # this morning but no reply. I still want this car. Please call me back. Thanks
Glad it sold!

Price was not the issue (what an amazing deal!) but I couldn't figure out where I would put it when Don's 124 already threw my shop into disarray...