X1/9 Electrical Diagnostic Manual 80/81

This is a great find!

I'm sure this will come in handy for me and my '81! Thanks for posting it!

The 52nd PDF Page (or Page 48 of the book) is hard to read though, bad scan maybe?
Thanks Karl

I grabbed a copy. Now if you can just find one for a 78 X with an 81 FI 1500 in it. Well... nearly in it. :)
Sorry I compressed it down to make it so small (4.7mb). That page is rather fuzzy on my original scan. I can go back and rescan that page.

The original scan is around 74mb so I didn't link that one.

Let me know if you prefer the original. I can link that but will likely need to take it down due to bandwidth.

Thanks for the consideration

Thanks for the consideration. Like they said "what a find"

Vincent dba enzo mac
Sorry Jeff, not meaning to upstage you. I tried cleaning up the one you so kindly posted but kept getting a blurry mess when I reduced its size for posting.

I scanned several of my manuals last weekend and with the tornado warning and heavy rain I finally organized it. I will be posting a 124 Spider manual later today and an 850 manual on some of the 124 forums.

I took my booklet apart to make it. I will rescan that page later today and integrate it into the file and post a new link in my first post.

Glad it is of assistance.
Sorry Jeff, not meaning to upstage you.....

No problem! I got my digital version from someone here too but they emailed it to me as I recall and thought I'd just put it on server for everyone else but it is so darn big. Smaller is better. I have yours too now. Thanks!
Thanks Karl

But my set up is a 1500 FI with a 4-spd. ;)

I can't read a wiring diagram anyway. My only electrical skill is starting small fires in the harness.
Feel free to host this version as well, the more places these things are available the likelier more people will have it.


I still have this book from when I had my '82. Sold the car, kept the book. The book has has seen better days, but it's been worth its weight in gold. Good to have a copy on the hard drive.
Thanks again!:)