My annual "I am ready for spring!!" post.


Waiting for Godot...
We had a few nice, Spring-like, days last week here in STL. Now the weather is turning back to cool and wet. It is only mid-March, but one can hope.

Here are a couple lines regarding Spring that come to mind each year as I wait for the STL weather to warm up.

And Winter slumbering in the open air,
Wears on his smiling face a dream of Spring!

The lines are taken from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem, "Work Without Hope".

I also dream of Spring. :)
I would love to post lines from a chronic hay fever sufferer poet as we are now starting THAT season. We are easy to identify, driving around in sunny 60s weather with the top on and windows open just a bit and used Kleenexes all over the passenger seat.
Yes, spring in St. Louis is always full of weather surprises! It's great that you had some beautiful spring days this past week. I hope that warm spring days will soon return to you, filling your life with joy and optimism.
Yes, spring in St. Louis is always full of weather surprises! It's great that you had some beautiful spring days this past week. I hope that warm spring days will soon return to you, filling your life with joy and optimism.
It is disrespectful to talk to people like this. IMHO
Well, seeing that Karl is my weather mate across the great lake. I too see more bad weather after being teased by some days in the 70's. In Chicago we learn to be patient, it's almost time for closed garage restoration work with a heater but open door is still down the road.
Absolutely, Karl's forecasts are like a lifeline for us across the lake! It's frustrating how the weather likes to tease us with those occasional warm days before snapping back to colder temperatures. Patience is definitely a virtue here in Chicago, especially when it comes to waiting for that perfect window for garage restoration. Hopefully, the open door is just around the corner!

I figured I'd beat @DominickKelley to the punch...