3d printer

  1. T

    Big Man, Little Car

    A little under a year ago, I acquired my 2nd X19. It was in both much better and much worse shape than my Lemons X19, but the body is straight enough and the doors close, so I want to save it. Unfortunately for my love of small Italian sports cars, I'm 6'6". The problem can be seen clearly in...
  2. D

    Stereo frame

    I friend of mine bought a Creality3D Ender-3 3d printer. https://www.creality3d.shop/products/creality3d-ender-3-pro-high-precision-3d-printer?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4cyOgf6j7AIVFBvnCh1ajAQ_EAYYAiABEgKD8vD_BwE After printing a lot of useless stuff (things that he needs), he finally started printing...